Jiafeng Chem is Founded in 2003, which is always specialized in research and development......
    There are three struggle processes in Jiafeng’s development: In the early days, the company’s main task is to construct necessary production capacity and scale; perfect management organization;establish evaluation management system and adopt ISO9001...
    Address:Changcheng Zone, Hongguozi, Huinong Dist., Shizuishan, Ningxia, China.
    Tel:0086-951-5155695, 0086-951-5155911, 0086-951-8951209
    Branch in USA
    Jiafeng Chemicals USA Co., Ltd.
    17700 Castleton Street, Suite 368
    City of Industry, CA 91748.
    Tel: 001-(626)581-0501
    Fax: 001-(626)581-0506